Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

When I upload it to my blog the image looks darker, unfortunately this makes the side of my nose look like i was hit with a baseball bat

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Below is the scarlet A. It is part of Richard Dawkins Out Campaign. The out campaign is a campaign to get all atheist to come out and be unafraid to say that they believe in no god. So i have posted this on my blog to state that i am an atheist and that i am unafraid to state my opinion on evolution and theism. The sight of the Scarlet A is to give other atheist the courage to come OUT, and to let them know that they are not alone.
The Out Campaign: Scarlet Letter of Atheism

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Audio File Formats

From the beginning of time i have always downloaded my audio files in a mp3 format. After researching audio formats, I will continue to rip my music as mp3 because after ripping the song "Sold My Soul" by The Used at east 5 times, i realized that without very expensive headphones you can not tell the difference in sound quality. The different audio formats are broke down like this:

ACC: is a standardized, lossy compression and encoding scheme for digital audio. Designed to be the successor of the MP3 format, AAC generally achieves better sound quality than MP3 at similar bit rates :

AIFF: is an audio file format standard used for storing sound data for personal computers and other electronic audio devices. The format was co-developed by Apple Computer in 1988 based onElectronic Arts' Interchange File Format (IFF, widely used on Amiga systems) and is most commonly used on Apple Macintosh computer systems.

MP3 :s a patented digital audio encoding format using a form oflossy data compression. It is a common audio format for consumer audio storage, as well as a de facto standard of digital audio compression for the transfer and playback of music on digital audio players.

WAV: is a Microsoftand IBM audio file format standard for storing an audio bitstream on PCs. It is an application of the RIFF bitstream formatmethod for storing data in “chunks”, and thus is also close to the 8SVX and the AIFF format used on Amiga andMacintosh computers, respectively. It is the main format used on Windows systems for raw and typically uncompressed audio. The usual bitstream encoding is the Linear Pulse Code Modulation (LPCM) format.

ALL of these definitions i got off of wikipedia-not the greatest source of information but it will do. So anyways like i said not a big difference in file formats but whatever you feel you need is up to you. I could only tell any difference using Bose headphones.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dream #1

Ok Ok like i said this is going to be a blog about random shit, most of which is going to be really really random. ok so i had a dream last night that i was at work. (I work in a produce department) I was stocking bananas when a very old lady approached me and called me fat. i looked at my stomach and scratched my head and said" what? i'm very skinny i don't know what you are talking about." she said "are you an american?" I replied "of course" She said " Americans are fat so you are fat" I said "That is probably the dumbest think i have ever heard, leave me alone i have to get back to work." She the pushed me. i was like what the hell and i kicked her on the side of her left leg. it must have been really hard because her legs flew across the store. The top half of her body remained on the ground, crawling at me like some wrinkly Nazi zombie on crack. crawling at me as fast as i could run, i turned and began to kick her because she was biting the back of my leg. then my buddy Aaron came up and picked up his cart and slammed it on her to get her off. i then began to laugh so hard that i woke up. laughing. one of the funnies dreams i have had in awhile.

Friday, January 22, 2010


I am an undecided art major at the University of Toledo. Art to me is showing emotion through your hands. No one can do the same art work as someone else. It is not possible. When you are drawing or painting or sculpting, what is going through your mind shows in the finished product of whatever piece you are working on. If you are angry your strokes tend to be sharp and quick while as if you are calm your strokes are smooth and neat. I use music when trying to draw in an emotional setting that i am not feeling at the moment. If for example i need to do a quick sloopy sketch i put an rock or metal. I think that everyone should do some sort of art as a hobby because it is a great way to express yourself.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Ok this blog is not going to be about relationships, but this idea flew into my head last night when one of my friends told me the same line every friend gives when you are having girl troubles "there are a million fish in the sea". This little saying is supposed to bring us comfort, and initially when i heard it yesterday i was comforted. I thought yeah why not, why worry about this one too much its not worth the time if it isn't going to work out. It wasn't until i arrived home that i began to think more and more about this simple little phrase. IT SUCKS. I am a firm believer in God and i believe that there is someone out there for everybody. Key word in that last sentence: someONE. If this is true then that little saying that everyone says to comfort you is crap. It sucks that there are a million fish in the sea. How the hell are you supposed to find the one fish you are looking for in a sea that vast? I don't know maybe if the sea wasn't so damn big it would make this a lot easier. I vote we limit it to 12. and in that 12 is the one you are supposed to be with. That would not be so hard, but a million! You could loose your mind wandering the earth looking for the one girl that you can stand to spend the rest of your life with. So from this day forth i will never say "There are a million fish in the sea". Ill say something more like screw it. cause that seems to be about the only logical thing that you can say.

This past summer

All dressed up ready to go out for the night. To this day i have no idea what is going on with my hands in this picture.

Work Friends

These would be the people i work with. In This photo we all just got out of work decided to dress in black, paint our faces and go lazer tagging.

The Friends

These would be the friends that i hang out with all the time. We went down to OSU for Halloween had a great time. In this pic is Dave(Mario),Kevin(Lion Tamer), Joe(Captain Jack), and me (Luigi)

The Trip

When i went to Arkansas on a mission trip the kid we were helping attacked us with markers.

Monday, January 18, 2010

My Top 5 Blogs

Okey, so i am on weird kid, i always have been a bit odd especially to those who are called "normal". For example if someone where to ask me: "How do you think the world will end?" i would reply "That is easy on day there is going to be a zombie outbreak, all humanity would be turned into mindless meat puppets" So when given the assignment to find my top 5 blogs i naturally looked for blogs that were a bit out of the ordinary. So my number one favorite blog that i could find was Blog of The Dead I found this blog to be more then a little ordinary because it gives detailed plans on how to defend yourself in a zombie invasion. My number two Blog in my top five would have to be That VideoGame Blog because i love video games. I feel like they help me to kill brain cells while getting my imagination pumping a bit. Number three i would have to say is Inside Lacrosse Blogs. I chose this because lacrosse has been a passion of mine for a long time, nothing can relieve stress better then to smack someone with a large metal pole. Coming in at number 4 would have to be New Alien Abduction Blog I liked this one because the people who post on this thing are crazy and i do enjoy me some crazy people. Last and least of my favorite blogs on the net is Avocado Fever. I like this blog because it is just about as random as it gets and its about my favorite snack. you should really read through these blogs they got some good info.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Relationship crap

Ok here is the deal. I am new to this whole blog thing but something just came to my attention that i really did not care to know. Alright to start this is a tail of one of my best friends and his crap girlfriend. So senior year me and my friend Joe decided to join stage crew for the musical. I had fractured a bone in my back and therefor could not play lacrosse in my final season, and Joe decided that he did not want to run track anymore. Anyways we decided to sign up basicly just to have more time to hang out and mess around. So the first day of build we show up acting all goofy and stuff and naturally it drew some attention from everyone else because well not to be mean but they were all boring people. So people began to kind of break out of their shells a bit and began to to act like normal people instead of education zombies (who care about nothing but what is going to look good on a resume). So we had a lot of fun all the way up to the end of the last show, by this time i was dating a girl i had met at crew and so was my friend Joe. He was dating a girl by the name of Karly, you will come to find out that i do not like her what soever.

Things went great for Joe and Karly for about 60 sec (they will tell you a year but i saw this shit was a train wreck from the beginning) Karly hates everything that Joe likes. Joe drinks, plays video games, has friends; you know the usual things that guys like. Karly hates all of those things. We would throw parties and she would just come over and sit on the couch and pout about it. (what a buzz kill).

Anyway this year was different; she would still pout on the couch at our parties but when she was away from Joe at the SAE house she would get drunk an have a great time. (pause: does this not shoot something into your head that something is up? Time In ) Joe being a nice guy let her go to these parties because he thought she was having a girls night. (WRONG) she was really hooking up with some dude.

Weeks go on and Joe still does not know what is going on until on day while at a party we meet a girl from a sorority. Not knowing who Joe is tells us that she knows Karly and that she has been hooking up with some dude from SAE. Joe flips out. (who wouldn't) He breaks up with Karly. She gets all depressed or what not and writes a blog which we find and read. basically stating that this is all Joe's fault she is the victim and she has no idea why everyone hates her. she then wrote me on facebook saying that she thought it was sad that i did not even hear her side, and that she was sad that she was loosing a big brother or some shit like that.

I am telling this story because i want to give a little in site into what i think about relationships and friendships. Ok when guys are friends they will be friends no matter what. if something goes down that hurts one of their friends they do not care what the other side thinks because they aren't going to care one way or the other. Guys always got each others backs, when they get into an argument they say whats on their mind and the argument is resolved. MOST girls NOT ALL get into an argument and tell stories behind the backs of their friends to try to get back at them. It seems to me they look for reasons to stab one and other in the back. i don't know why this occurs, maybe its because they want to be in the spot light. Whatever the circumstances my morel of the story is this. you should always have your friends back, and they should always have yours, if you have this safety net there is always someone you can turn to and there little chance that you can get hurt to bad.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

First Blog

This is my first Blog EVER. I think you are going to enjoy this. I have a pretty crazy mind and i am going to dedicate this blog to all those weird ideas, dreams, and experiences that i have an a regular day basis.