Friday, January 15, 2010

Relationship crap

Ok here is the deal. I am new to this whole blog thing but something just came to my attention that i really did not care to know. Alright to start this is a tail of one of my best friends and his crap girlfriend. So senior year me and my friend Joe decided to join stage crew for the musical. I had fractured a bone in my back and therefor could not play lacrosse in my final season, and Joe decided that he did not want to run track anymore. Anyways we decided to sign up basicly just to have more time to hang out and mess around. So the first day of build we show up acting all goofy and stuff and naturally it drew some attention from everyone else because well not to be mean but they were all boring people. So people began to kind of break out of their shells a bit and began to to act like normal people instead of education zombies (who care about nothing but what is going to look good on a resume). So we had a lot of fun all the way up to the end of the last show, by this time i was dating a girl i had met at crew and so was my friend Joe. He was dating a girl by the name of Karly, you will come to find out that i do not like her what soever.

Things went great for Joe and Karly for about 60 sec (they will tell you a year but i saw this shit was a train wreck from the beginning) Karly hates everything that Joe likes. Joe drinks, plays video games, has friends; you know the usual things that guys like. Karly hates all of those things. We would throw parties and she would just come over and sit on the couch and pout about it. (what a buzz kill).

Anyway this year was different; she would still pout on the couch at our parties but when she was away from Joe at the SAE house she would get drunk an have a great time. (pause: does this not shoot something into your head that something is up? Time In ) Joe being a nice guy let her go to these parties because he thought she was having a girls night. (WRONG) she was really hooking up with some dude.

Weeks go on and Joe still does not know what is going on until on day while at a party we meet a girl from a sorority. Not knowing who Joe is tells us that she knows Karly and that she has been hooking up with some dude from SAE. Joe flips out. (who wouldn't) He breaks up with Karly. She gets all depressed or what not and writes a blog which we find and read. basically stating that this is all Joe's fault she is the victim and she has no idea why everyone hates her. she then wrote me on facebook saying that she thought it was sad that i did not even hear her side, and that she was sad that she was loosing a big brother or some shit like that.

I am telling this story because i want to give a little in site into what i think about relationships and friendships. Ok when guys are friends they will be friends no matter what. if something goes down that hurts one of their friends they do not care what the other side thinks because they aren't going to care one way or the other. Guys always got each others backs, when they get into an argument they say whats on their mind and the argument is resolved. MOST girls NOT ALL get into an argument and tell stories behind the backs of their friends to try to get back at them. It seems to me they look for reasons to stab one and other in the back. i don't know why this occurs, maybe its because they want to be in the spot light. Whatever the circumstances my morel of the story is this. you should always have your friends back, and they should always have yours, if you have this safety net there is always someone you can turn to and there little chance that you can get hurt to bad.

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